Linggo, Hulyo 10, 2011

Effects of Technology

           Nowadays, technology is not a only want but a need. Technology helps us to live at its best. There two effects when we use technology, it is the positive effect and the negative effect. With the use of technology, we can easily communicate our family and friends even if they are far away from you, we can locate and compute any difficult equations effortlessly, but are you aware with the negative effect of this?. Well, it can cause us to be lazy, instead of making it in our own way, we depend on the technology. Some people are very abusive, they use technology to cheat others, to fool people, and many more, which is very improper manner. As a reminder to everyone, use technology to help your countrymen, as well as to yourself.

1 komento:

  1. Correct,by the use of internet people can manipulate bad idea and apply it to other people, you know the effect of this,be wise by using internet.
